Wednesday, April 29, 2015

ThrowBRICK Thursday

In keeping with Throwback Thursdays, I've decided to share Noah's old LEGO creations every Thursday via this series called "ThrowBRICK Thursday". Hehe.

After the first Avengers movie, Noah custom-made Avengers minifigs here. A month later, he made a bigger set of the Avengers out of LEGO bricks (not minifig parts), paper and markers!

Homemade Hulk... The abs are adorable, hahaha!

Homemade Captain America... I love that the legs aren't aligned, that one leg is at the foreground. It's a clever detail that makes them seem more like legs. 

Homemade Black Widow... Her flat red brick as hair made me smile. :)

Homemade Nick Fury...

While I am amazed at Noah's more detailed and realistic creations nowadays, I can't help miss these more simple creations of his... These ones with drawings that are more obviously done by a child. Yet equally amazing because he was only 7 at this time!  

Noah's age when he created these: 7 years, 7 months

Click here and here for Noah's LEGO creations at 6 years old.
Click here and here for my first two posts on 7-year-old Noah's LEGO minifig creations on my main blog.

Click here for previous posts from the Mommy Mondays series and here for previous Whimsical Wednesdays posts.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Noah builds...

I know Avengers 2 is out because of Noah's work-in-progress homemade LEGO creations. 

He made Ironman's new armor/suit with cardboards. As usual, he used Sharpies, a black fine-tip pen and gold & silver colored pencils to draw the details of the suit.

I love that Noah makes do with the materials he has on-hand. He used Flash's helmet to make Captain America's headgear. This is why the insides are red. He had to cut off Flash's lightning horns with a nailcutter! Blue paint, aqua & blue Sharpies and a correction marker for the A helped him complete Captain's helmet.

I have a feeling Noah will be busy completing the Avengers 2 cast after we watch the movie. :)

Noah's age when he created this: 10 years, 3 months.

Noah builds...

While Noah demonstrated how his homemade Optimus Prime transforms in 12 steps...
Me: How did you make that?
Noah: I used my brain, imagination, Lego and built it!

This LEGO creation is actually what inspired me to start this blog. I was, you could say, transformed. Hehe. 

Noah's age when he created this: almost 10 years, 3 months

of dots & bricks

Welcome to my third blog of dots! This time, it's a different kind of dots. My 10-year-old Noah actually calls them studs... Those dots on top of LEGO bricks. 

This blog will be my repository of Noah's LEGO creations. Here, I will showcase how he connects LEGO bricks and turns them into utterly amazing creations. 

As you will soon see, he loves customizing LEGO minifigures. But for now, let me start this blog with my mini-me's mini Star Wars creations (L-R): Millennium Falcon, Y-Wing, X-Wing, Anakin's Pod Racer.